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Feb 1, 2016

Conditional Statements in Visual Basic

Conditional Statements

It's one of the most important part of any programing language and almost in any good code, Programmer needs it for writing long applications .

Why We Use It?

As the name suggest that it deals with the conditions like "if YOU WORK HARD then YOU PASS THE EXAMS now introduction some conditional signs like
  1. >=for greater than equal to
  2. >   for greater than
  3. <=for less than equal to
  4. <  for less than
  5. =  for equal to  
I have explained with the help of two codes

A very simple example it will take the value from you and then check if the value given by the user is greater than 18 If true then execute the body of If Then
else it will execute the body of ELSE

Another piece of code to clear this concept further

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