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Jul 23, 2015

Best Place to learn C++

Here are the some source which I find very usefull for learning C++

To start learning new programming I always look for kickstart skipping history jumping Hello World program and continue to learn paradign of the language. For starting learning C++ I found cplusplus the best source for starting and they have a great active commnuity in their forum for solving program issues.

C++ for Dummies and C++ How to Program (Book) 

For understanding every aspect of language feature like Array, Loop, Template and etc in depth these book provide excellent concepts for every features. With a bundle of real world example for understanding.

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This is also a great place for learning c++ with different and unique style of coding. I personally praise there example code. This site have awesome detail for making web site using C++ and some more advance topic to C++ like Thread, Signals and etc.

C++ have large bundle of feature/function which are not dicussed in tutorial and book. This source contain almost all detail for almost every function available in C++ with example code and implementation code.

This site have excellent cheat sheet for C++, If you want to have to look at important feature of  C++ then this is the best source. In which you can have a look at whole C++ within minutes.

Follow Some Standards - Google Style Guide 

Every developer or open source community follow a certain rule to code a program or enterprise application. This guide will help you to learn C++ syntax you must follow to keep you code clean and readable for other friend developer.

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